
I am going to keep this one short because it doesn't need to be very long.

Wetrix+ was a random game that I picked up at an antique store for like ten dollars because it looked funny. thats usually how i get games. if they look cool or fun i just grab them, no research or anything. That being said, I am oh so glad that I bought this game.

Wetrix is a puzzle game, kind of like Tetris, and to be completely honest I still don't completely understand how to play this game properly, but its SO addicting I don't really care, but I'll try to explain it anyhow.

You start on a flat 3D plane and are given a randomly shaped group of arrows that slowly fall towards that plane (like tetris). Putting these down causes the terrain to raise into the shape wherever you placed it. From here you are given more and more, until eventually you are given a blob of water. This is the main point of the game from what I understand.

Your goal is to raise the terrain and create as many lakes as you can, all while trying to keep the water from spilling off the side of the plane. (See screenshot)

Okay I PROBABLY didn't explain that very well but just TRUST ME... This game is SO much fun. Its really simple, you can toss it into your Dreamcast (OR N64, WINDOWS COMPUTER, GAMEBOY COLOR...) and play it for like 30 minutes to an hour and feel FRESH.

Playing this game is like brushing your teeth, or taking a shower. It is WET and REFRESHING, and for that I give it 5 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. A fantastic puzzle game everyone should try.